Chances are, you’re working hard to “get ahead”, but where are you headed? What kinds of things would you like to do, have, and accomplish over the next few months or years?

Most likely you have some short-term goals. Let’s say, getting a promotion at work, buying new clothes, or going on a vacation trip. And you probably have a few long-term goals, too. Whether it’s buying a home, starting a business, or paying for college education.

To reach your goals, it can be very helpful to write them down on paper as opposed to just thinking about them. Writing your goals can help you determine exactly what you want to accomplish, and by when. It’ll help you see what’s really important to you and where to focus your time and effort. That’s why writing down your goals is a great first step for moving your ideas from dreams to reality.

As your personal circumstances change, your short- and long-term goals may need to change as well, so look back at your list on a regular basis. If there are big changes happening in your life, consider updating your goals, too.

personal goal setting

Goals can guide you financially

Setting financial goals can help guide your approach to saving, investing, and managing your money in general. To determine your financial goals, imagine your future:

  • Where do you want to live? In what kind of home? In what sort of neighborhood?
  • Will you have children (or more children)? How many?
  • What career will you have?
  • What will your lifestyle be like — both while you’re employed and in retirement?
  • In what manner would you like to provide a legacy for the next generation and give back to your community?

Write down your goals

To reach your goals, it can be very helpful to write them down rather than merely thinking about them. Writing your goals down is a great first step for moving your ideas from dreams to reality and can help you determine exactly what you want to accomplish and by when. It’ll help you see what’s really important to you and where to focus your time and effort.

Use the Personal Goal Setting worksheet to describe your short-term, immediate, and long-term goals in different categories. Over time things change and your goals may change as well. Track your progress and update your goals regularly.

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To reach your goals, first, think about the steps you’ll need to take. You should consider what obstacles you may face and how you’ll address them. Finally, think about what resources you’ll need and who can help you. Update your goals on a regular basis and during times of major change.